



  The requirements of interpretation activities are high and real-time, so the interpretation quality of interpreters is very important. What is the evaluation standard of interpretation quality


  1. Credibility: mainly refers to whether the information is completely and accurately conveyed, and whether the meaning of the service object is clearly expressed;


  2. Acceptability: it mainly refers to whether the expression of the target language has clear logicality and level, which is easy for the audience to understand;


  3. Conciseness: it mainly refers to whether the original words of the service object are expressed concisely and concisely;


  4. Diversity: it mainly refers to whether the interpreter can deal with various accents, themes and types of interpreting activities flexibly and freely;


  5. Rapidity: it mainly refers to whether the interpreter can sort out ideas in a short time and transmit local information;


  6. Technicality: mainly refers to the interpreter's professional behavior, communication art, emergency strategies, insight into cross-cultural differences, proper control of communication scenes, and whether the interpreter is proficient in the use of interpretation equipment.


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